Pulp : Visions of nature
C’est Hardcore n°2 floated down the river and is now reaching the surface. 24 pages (A5) of texts, (both in ENG/FR), photos and illustrations around Pulp and nature.
A big thank you to everyone who participated in this zine (listed below). E-mail me and you can get n°2 for free !
Available now on Etsy ! For 3 euros, as to cover the cost of impression only. It comes with two stickers and one miniphoto from the zine.
You can also buy the pdf for 0.50 or access the FREE online version below.
Online version
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Lisa Chetteau (instagram : @lisachetteau) for her illustration p.7
Estelle C. for her picture p.8
Remi Osselez for his collages p.9 et 15
Kookkydoo for his photo p.10
Estelle A. for her illustration p.11, her text p.14 and for her posing on the photos p.5 et 6
Hugo (insta : @hugomrtnzz_) for his text p.15
@thousandsofhorses (insta) for their illustration and poem p.17 et 18